The Barnet and Southgate College Leadership Conversations

Studying in college

Culture is a movement, not a mandate!

This was the core concept espoused by Barnet and Southgate College CEO, Neil Coker, when FE Associates were asked by the college to design and deliver a bespoke development programme for the whole college leadership team. By engaging with the college, understanding the position and ambitions of the organisation we were able to create a unique and innovative programme to assist with the shaping of a new culture and leadership approach. Through an iterative development approach, the Barnet and Southgate Leadership Conversations were born! Leading colleagues through four development workshops with a range of trainers and expert-witnesses, the programme focused on culture, behaviours and the creation of a future vision for leadership at the college. Utilising a number of frameworks to introduce and embed change and developing the capacity of leaders to innovate for the future, leaders were able to collectively develop and commit to a charter to drive the evolution of leadership culture across the college.

  • Placing
  • Recruiting
  • Developing
  • Advising
  • Training
  • Placing
  • Recruiting
  • Developing
  • Advising
  • Training